• NUSTEP Thinking and Writing Assignment and Readings for April 13-17

    "Who you are inside is what helps you make and do everything in life" - Mr. Rodgers

    This week, I would like you to read and reflect on the wide range of career choices available.  You will read two articles from Parade magazine and an excerpt from a novel by Barabara Ehrenreich.  You will read click on the links to the magazine website and scroll through the galleries, reflecting on the variety, originality, and interesting career choices for everyday peope, celebrities, politicians, and influencers.  Then, you will read the excerpt called "Serving in Florida" by Barbara Ehrenreich.  After reading and reflecting on the texts, please complete the questions that follow and submit your responses via aimtw86@gmail.com.

    Parade magazine's annual "What People Earn: 2020" was published on April 3, 2020 by Kaylen Ralph.  Click on the link below and scroll through the gallery for "What People Earn 2020: See the Salaries of Everyday Workers Across America."  Then, click on the Related tab for "See How Much the Biggest Celebrities, Politician, and Influencers Earn" and scroll through the gallery.


    Read "Serving in Florida" which is an excerpt from Barbara Ehrenreich's novel Nickel and Dimed about the struggles of living on a mininum wage salary.  Ehrenreich spent time researching what it would be like to live on a minimum wage job; this novel is about her real life experiences and what she learned while conducting research. Note that she conducted her research during 1998 and published the book in 2001 so the wages are definitely not reflective of current numbers.

    Serving in Florida excerpt


    After reading the excerpt and the gallery options for what people earn in 2020, you will complete questions and submit responses between April 20-24.  Please share responses from Google Docs via my gmail address: aimtw86@gmail.com. Email me anytime with any questions.  You may also complete the attached form and submit when you are done.

    Assignment Questions


Last Modified on April 16, 2020