• 11R English Assignment #3: Student Selected Speech Analysis Essay

    Due by: May 18, 2020

    "I am the greatest. I said that even before I knew I was." Mohammad Ali

    After reading and analyzing two important historical speeches by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Booker T. Washington, it's time for you to pick your own speech to analyze.  I will include a link to the assignment with directions, an outline to follow, links for speech ideas, and a list of devices to look for in your speech.  The definitions for these rhetorical devices are included on the Elizabeth Cady Stanton page.

    When you are done with the essay, please email it to my gmail account: aimtw86@gmail.com.  You may email me anytime if you have any questions. My due dates are flexible, but please make sure you turn in your work.

    I miss seeing all of you and hope you and your families are safe and healthy.

    Click here for the Speech Analysis Assignment:

    Student Selected Speech Analysis Essay

Last Modified on April 28, 2020