• NUSTEP Thinking and Writing Assignment #3: Question and Answer Research Essay

    Due by May 22

    "I am the greates.  I said that even before I knew I was." Mohammad Ali

    This is the last research paper of the school year and serves as the final project for the course.  You have the freedom to choose a question to research and formulate an answer based on what you learn about your selected topic.  You will build on the skills, databases, and research experiences since the beginning of the school year.  I will include a detailed assignment with objectives, suggestions, and guidelines to follow.  You have access to the NFHS online databases as well as the knowledge of how to evaluate a quality web site for your sources. I encourage you to choose a topic that interests you and create your own outline to follow as you craft this final research essay.  I will includ a link to the Purdue Online Writing Lab as a resource to consult for reminders on APA citations, format, and References page.

    If you would like me to review your rough draft, please make sure the document is able to be edited and submit to my gmail acct: aimtw86@gmail.com.  I will give you feedback, make revisions, and return it to you.  You will also submit the final draft via my gmail account.  The due date is flexible, but you are still required to turn in the assignment. Please feel free to email me anytime with questions.

    I look forward to seeing a wide range of topics/questions for this essay.  I know you are capable of completing a quality, mature, and thoughtful research paper.

    I miss all of you and hope you and your families are safe and healthy.

    Click here for the Q&A Research essay assignment:

    Q&A Research Essay

    Click here for the Purdue Online Writing Lab website:


Last Modified on April 28, 2020