• AP Literature and Composition Assignment #2:  APLIT Awards

    "Good riddance to decisions that don't support self-care, self-value, or self-worth" Oprah Winfrey

    This assignment is geared toward fun, reflection, and choice.  Each year, I invite my students to reflect and review the literature we have read througout the year.  I enjoy seeing what my students liked and disliked in our reading selections.  I appreciate what everyone has to say and look forward to your honesty and insight.

    I will attach the APLIT Award assignment with directions.  You may choose to turn in your responses before your AP exams or after; I will let you decide what works best for each of you. Email me your responses to my gmail account: aimtw86@gmail.com.  Feel free to email me with any questions you may have. 

    I miss you all and hope you and your families are safe and healthy!

    Click on this link for the APLIT Award assignment:

    APLIT Awards


Last Modified on April 28, 2020