• The Final 11R English Assignment

    This assignment and all work must be in by June 9

    "Nothing will keep me down - within me lies a powerful inner strength"

    This has been a memorable year for all of us.  It is hard to believe the school year is ending very soon.  My due dates have been flexible, but with the marking period closing on June 9, I must have all completed work by this date.  Please turn in as much work as possible and please email me if you have any questions. I will be unable to accept work past June 9 since I will need to finalize grades by June 11.

    Turn in all assignments to my gmail account: aimtw86@gmail.com

    For the final assignment, I would like you to reflect on your experience during this pandemic.  In this assignment, I have shared some of my own personal experiences in an effort to let you know what I have been feeling.  I invite you to share as much as you are comfortable sharing. Follow the directions outlined in the assignment.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

    I miss saying goodbye to all of you.  I hope you and your families are doing well, staying safe and healthy. I have enjoyed working with all of you and getting the chance to know all of you better during our time together. Enjoy the summer, stay in touch, and good luck with all your future plans.  Feel free to email me any time to let me know how you are doing and stop by my room during the next school year.

    Take care, be well, and good luck!

    Coronavirus Reflection Essay


Last Modified on May 26, 2020